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Sit Ups

1-2-1 Personal Training


Weight Loss/ Fat Loss/ Rehabilitation/ Athletic Performance


You are fed up of losing weight only to put it straight back on. It feels like one step forward and two steps back. You know that you need to get yourself sorted out and you are ready to make a commitment to get the results you deserve.


Where you are at 

You’re a professional and life is busy with no time for yourself. You’re fed up of feeling judged on your appearance and just once you want to be able to walk into a room or meeting and feel confident about the way you look.


You feel tired and stressed all the time. You’d like to lose weight, feel fitter and have more energy to keep all those balls in the air.

You start a diet on a Monday only to have ‘fallen off the wagon’ by Friday and spend the rest of the weekend eating and drinking more than you have all week, only to wake up again on Monday morning feeling horrible about yourself.


What Your Issues Tend to Be :

You are on and off ‘fad diets’ almost all the time. Every year you seem to sign up to ‘another’ gym membership only see it go to waste after short period of time.

Your self-esteem is at a low and you are feeling like there is something wrong with you and that nothing is ever going to work.

You have lost weight in the past but it has only ever been short term and you know things need to be different this time round if you are ever going to achieve real success.


What you need right now 

You know that short term quick fixes do not work for you and you would be happier knowing you have help, guidance and support for longer than just one month.

You need a step by step proven training program that will help you lose weight fast and most importantly keep it off. You need something that has worked for others before to give you confidence to know that you will start to feel and look great quickly.

You want to know what to do and how to do it, see results quickly and know you are moving in the right direction, You need to follow a specific plan which is easy to follow. You need to know what to eat and know you have the support to stick to it like clock work.

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