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I let myself go and put on some excess weight, my fitness levels had become really bad, I noticed it and so did others around me. Come 2013 I thought I need to turn things around, I wanted to drop my body fat and increase my fitness levels. I decided to have PT sessions with Stefan and get that push that I needed. Stefan definitely put me through my paces, HIT training OMG its similar to insanity but boot camp style with all the added extras diet plan, training schedule etc :)


I felt like i was on the biggest loser as i was getting pushed so hard when I thought I had no more to give and the body fat just kept shredding. Stefan showed me the best ways to reach my goals, with his sessions and my drive I lost a few stones. I increased my muscle mass and my fitness improved so much I managed to complete the London Marathon. I now posess the knowledge and skills to keep ongoing as Stefan made me believe in myself. :) Wicked trainer and definitely worth the money

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